24 Reasons That Build an Appetite for Gratitude This Thanksgiving

Aaron D'Anthony Brown

Contributing Author
Published Nov 06, 2023
24 Reasons That Build an Appetite for Gratitude This Thanksgiving

There are 24 days from the start of November until Thanksgiving. Here are 24 reasons to be thankful right now.

‘Tis the season, not just for revving up an appetite for turkey and collard greens, but for reflection and giving thanks. There’s something about this time of year when we gather around the dinner table with family and friends, forks in hand, smiles on our faces, that reminds us what life is all about. Work is put in its rightful place, rest is prioritized, and suddenly, good vibes are shared all around. Maybe most of all, we find ourselves eager to give thanks. If only we were like this all year long.

But then again, practicing gratitude is hard. Our human nature leads us to be selfish, and take things for granted. Being thankful requires discipline and maintaining a right perspective of God, our circumstances, even ourselves. To be truly grateful, we have to learn how to be thankful during the bad times along with the good. That’s hard to manage in a tumultuous world, a sinful culture, not to mention the ups and downs of everyday living.

Yet, while the Thanksgiving holiday may come and go, the gratitude we find during this season is something that we can, and should, strive to keep hold of. We just have to commit to the practice, then recommit when we forget and our sinful nature starts to return. There are 24 days from the start of November until Thanksgiving. Here are 24 reasons to be thankful right now.

24 Reasons for Gratitude

1. The Son

Without Jesus, imagine where your life would be today. He has given us a way to the Father and thus, to salvation.

2. The Father

God grants those who follow Him, no condemnation. Instead, we can be thankful for His grace, mercy, forgiveness, love, and so much more.

3. The Holy Spirit

When we don’t know which way to go or what to pray, the Holy Spirt intercedes on our behalf (Romans 8:26-27). He not only prays for us, but supplies wisdom and discernment to help us in living righteously.

4. God’s Word

Through Scripture we learn both the history of the church and we gain wisdom that helps establish our walk with God.

5. Church

Whether we’re singing, talking, listening, or reading, church is where we go to find fellowship with other believers. And whether we go once a week or more, having such a commitment helps keep us focused on what matters most – our relationship with God and other people.

6. Family

They make us angry and sad, but they also make us happy and laugh our butts off. We don’t get to pick our families, but the joy they can bring to our lives is unmistakably profound.

7. Significant Others

There wouldn’t be families without spouses, those men and women who keep us wanting to be the best version of ourselves. If you’re dating and moving in that direction, be thankful there is someone with whom you can experience life, learn with, and call friend.

8. Children

When we feel the burdens of life, children remind us to smile. They help us see that life is much more than suffering. If only we could imitate them sometimes, our faith would actually be much stronger (Matthew 18:1-4).

9. Relationships

Whether deep or shallow, past or present, thank God for all of the relationships in our lives. Thank Him for the ones coming in the future too. That’s especially appropriate considering all the loneliness prevalent today.

10. Shelter

Sometimes we make bad decisions and sometimes unfortunate circumstances befall us. Not everyone has a place to call home, but thank God for the days that we do. And thank Him for the ways we can get by when needed.

11. Clothing

We’re wearing clothes and there are more outfits to spare in the closet. The Lord has blessed us with every piece, which is more than many people in the world have.

12. Food

We may eat stuffing on Thanksgiving, but many of us are looking forward to getting stuffed. There’s turkey, macaroni, collard greens, bread, ham. Every piece of food is a reason to give thanks to the Lord. His provision for us can be a reminder that not everyone is so fortunate.

13. Work

We work for the love of the job or the money, but either way, be grateful that you work. Doing something gives each of us a sense of meaning and accomplishment, not to mention money in our pockets.

14. Finances

Jesus reaffirmed our value by saying that in God’s eyes, we are worth more than the birds of the sky (Matthew 6:26). This means that whether you are prosperous, stable, or even if you currently lacking financially, we can find comfort and gratitude knowing that God will provide us with what we need.

15. Pets

Though cats should be outlawed, there’s beauty in being able to care for our pets, beauty in the smiles they bring to us and our families.

16. Vehicles

Getting from point A to B would be much more difficult without the automobiles we use on a daily basis. Vehicles big and small make getting to work possible, along with the commerce that helps us run this nation.

17. Health

Sickness takes hold some days, but those ill days make the healthy ones all the more appreciated.

18. Life

No day of life is guaranteed, and yet, today we have woken up once again to see a new day. We again have the chance to experience all the good, the bad, and all the mysteries of this existence. Our time above ground is short, we are undoubtedly blessed with what we have.

19. Hobbies

Hobbies bring us enjoyment, peace, money, and are a great way to serve. They give us something constructive to do as opposed to spending time idlily in sin.

20. Dreams

Without dreams, we would have little to no ambitions about the future. Thankfully, God has planted desires within us, desires that will guide us into setting and reaching our goals.

21. The Past

While we dream about the future, we can thank God for the past. For the experiences that we feared would end our lives, for the relationships that made us into better people.

22. This Year

This year, like any other, brought us some good, some bad, some ugly. We can learn from this year’s experiences and figure out what we want to do next.

23. Next Year

No day is guaranteed, but that doesn’t mean we should not set goals or thank God in advance for what’s to come. We should gratefully and excitedly await what good plans God has for each of us.

24. What We Take for Granted

There’s so much that we take for granted every day. Perhaps there is no way to identify all the things in our lives that we simply just don’t think about, but knowing that they exist, and that we ignore them, is enough reason to thank God for those very things.


Happiness is not contingent upon circumstances. Rather, we choose whether or not to be happy based on our chosen perspective. The same applies to gratitude. God never told us to be thankful for all the things that happen – children dying, war, divorce. Rather, He told us to be grateful in all situations.

“Give thanks in everything; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

The more you recognize the importance of gratitude, the more you will want to give thanks. You will discover that despite your best efforts to be thankful, there is so much that we all take for granted. We can never actually thank God enough. And yet, we will undoubtedly want to thank Him anyway.

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/SrdjanPav 

aaron brown profile pic bioAaron D'Anthony Brown is a freelance writer, hip-hop dance teacher, and visual artist, living in Virginia. He currently contributes to Salem Web Network’s Crosswalk platform and supports various clients through the freelancing website Upwork. He's an outside-the-box thinker with a penchant for challenging the status quo. 

Get in touch at aarondanthony.com and check out his short story “Serenity.”