There are many practical ways you can spend time with your grandkids, both near and far, to show them you love them. Choose a few options from the list above and start planning how you are going to spend your time the next time you are together.
One of the best things in an older person’s life is their grandchildren. I know so many people who are grandparents and are over the moon about their grandchildren. They like to spend as much time as possible with them and miss them if they live far away or aren’t around as much. Of course, they love spoiling them; what grandparent doesn’t? Still, there are some practical ways you can show your grands that you love them. Here are some ideas to show your love.
1. Spend Quality Time with Them
Spend some quality time with your grandchildren. By quality time, I mean doing something together where you interact and can have conversations. Make sure it’s something you both enjoy, like going on a hike, doing a craft, or making a favorite dessert.
2. Write a Letter from the Heart
In this world of technology, sending your grandchildren a quick email or text is easy. Still, it isn’t the most personal way to connect. Instead, sit down and take some time to write a heartfelt letter to your grandchildren. You can do this for a group and express your heartfelt love for all of them, or you can write each of them a letter individually to let them know how special they are and how much you love them. You can share your favorite memories with them, what you hope for them in the future, and your favorite qualities that they have. Your letter will become a cherished keepsake.
3. Make a Cookbook Together
Sit down and compile a cookbook together with your favorite family recipes. To make it even more special, hire someone to create a professional cover and format the interior. Then, upload it to Amazon and have it printed without publishing it. That way, you can print copies for friends and family without it being on sale to the public.
4. Make a Personalized Storybook
Sit down and write a story with your grandchildren about them and how special your bond is. Have them create the illustrations. Once again, to make it even more special, hire someone to create a professional cover for it and format the interior. Then, set up an Amazon KDP account and decide whether you want to publish it or not.
5. Plan a Special Date
Set up a day to go out, just you and your grandchildren. This could be a trip to the zoo, the children’s museum, or even an amusement park or shopping complex. This will show them how much you love spending quality time with them.
6. Pray for Them
There is nothing more powerful than praying for your grandkids. Ask the Lord to help them, guide them, and guard them.
7. Pray with Them
Praying with them about things that are bothering them is another priceless way that you can show them you love them.
8. Cook Their Favorite Meals
Making their favorite meals is also a great way to show your love. Many times, there are dishes our grandmothers make that are hard to duplicate. We try to, but it’s not quite the same. For me, it’s my grandmother’s buttermilk cookies. Food brings us together and is a great way to show your love.
9. Plan a Treasure Hunt
Design a treasure hunt according to your grandchildren’s interests. You can do this in your backyard or even in your home if it’s raining.
10. Send a Care Package
Do your grandchildren live far away, or are they at college or even in the military? Then, send them a care package with some of their favorite things and some handwritten notes. This will brighten their day and make them feel even more connected to you.
11. Make a Memory Book
Gather your favorite memories via photo and use a site like Shutterfly to make a book. My best friend did this for me and my husband after our wedding. Your grandkids will love being able to look back at all the memories they have made with you and will cherish the book forever.
12. Have a Movie Night
Have a movie night with your grandkids and snuggle up together with blankets and their favorite snacks. They will love spending time with you.
13. Actively Listen
When you are talking with your grandkids, actively listen to them and ask questions to let them know you hear them and are paying attention.
14. Teach Them How to Do Something
If you know a skill, trade, or have a favorite hobby, share that with your grandchildren. Teach them how to bake, change the oil in a car, and how to change a tire, or build something, for example. They will appreciate it later on in life.
15. Share Things with Them Every Day
Share something fun with your grandkids every day. Send them a funny meme, share an article about something they like, or tell them about your day.
16. Have a Grandparent/Grandkids Camp
Take a week in the summer and have your kids stay with you for “camp.” Plan the activities and other things you will do together ahead of time.
17. Spend Time with Them One-On-One
Take each of your grandkids out or have them over one at a time so you can spend some one-on-one time with them. This way, you can focus on them alone and not have to worry about the other children in your care. Your grandkids will feel special and loved by having this time with you.
18. Take Them to Practice and Activities
If you can still drive, as your grandkids get older, offer to take them to after-school practices and activities. Your grandkids will love being picked up at school, and their parents will be very grateful for the help.
19. Send Them Mail
Kids love getting mail, so send them something once a month. This could be a card, a letter, or even a special subscription box that correlates with one of their favorite interests.
20. Connect Weekly
Make sure you connect with your grandkids on a weekly basis. This can be via email, text, face timing, or a phone call. Let them know their importance to you by carving out time for them every week.
21. Fly Them Out to See You
If you have the means, monitor airfares and fly your grandchildren out to see you when you find a good price.
22. Share Cake on Everyone’s Birthday
If you live far away, celebrate your grandkid’s birthdays by baking a cake together via video chat. You can make a small cake while your grandchild and their parents can go whole hog on a two-tier, fully decorated cake. Make sure you bake and decorate your cake together via Facetime on your tablet or laptop if possible.
23. Record a Story
You can do this in several ways. Hallmark has recordable storybooks where you can read the story and it will record your voice. You can also record yourself reading it and send it to your grandkids on their phone. I read an article about a grandma who started her own YouTube channel, and she records herself reading storybooks to her grandchildren who live far away. I think this is very cool.
24. Go Visit
Once again, if you find cheap airfare, book a flight and visit your grandchildren. They will appreciate the time and effort it took to spend time with them.
25. Read a Book to Them
If you live close by, spend an afternoon reading their favorite books to them.
There are many practical ways you can spend time with your grandkids, both near and far, to show them you love them. Choose a few options from the list above and start planning how you are going to spend your time the next time you are together.
Photo credit: ©GettyImages/andreswd