How to Pamper Yourself This Mother’s Day – Guilt Free

Alicia Searl

Well, sweet momma friend, it’s that time of year once again. The time when you get those precious homemade cards and gifts that proclaim how much you are loved, cherished, and adored. The special day when the family takes you out to brunch after church, and “you” get to pick the restaurant. Yay, for something other than chicken nuggets! The day when laundry and dishes can pile up because you, lovely lady, get the day off! Woo-hoo!

Ahh, so nice, right? If only every day were as peaceful, glorious, and memorable. Sigh! Yet, what would be the sense in that? Life would be so boring without the hectic, crazy whirlwind of motherhood. I mean, there has to be balance, ladies. We can’t thoroughly enjoy the joy and peace if we haven’t waded through the messy parts of raising our little people. Besides, if there was this constant contentment, we might fail to see how far we’ve come, how much our babies have grown (changing us in the process), and even more… how much God has moved through it all, posturing our hearts to think, “Wow, God did that, and He is so good!”

So, while Mother’s Day brings a sweet reminder that all our sacrifices, selfless acts, service, and utter exhaustion may try us and have us questioning our abilities, it’s also heartwarming to know that we serve a God who reminds us that His love makes it all possible. It’s through His love that we can pour out and give (and give some more) to our little people. And, if it weren’t for our shortcomings, there would be no need for a Savior, for us or our darling children (Isaiah 66:13). Thankfully, we don’t have to be it all or do it all because we have a God Who is all we need! 

Sweet momma, God sees your need for rest and an honest-to-goodness reprieve from the endless list of to-dos and all the emotional baggage that comes with motherhood. So, as we draw in on a holiday that honors mothers, it is totally okay to treat yourself—guilt-free! That’s right. You get a free pass to do what you need to refuel your momma heart as we head into a holiday that honors YOU!

Not really sure where to start! No worries. Below are a few ways you can pamper yourself, feeling the stress melt away, with no strings attached. The best part is that most of these don’t cost a thing (or won’t put a huge dent in the budget), so let the pampering begin. Yes, you deserve it! 

Pamper Yourself from Head to Toe

What mom wouldn’t love to relish in a spa day? Sounds simply glorious, doesn’t it? Well, if the budget allows, by all means, get your spa package booked now! However, if you are in need of a little more modest gesture of self-care, there’s totally room for that, too. This can, of course, be done with or without your little darlings. One year, my two oldest daughters set up my master bathroom with candles, played tranquil music, then proceeded to paint my toes, slather on a mud mask, and give me a neck massage. It was simply divine.

Need some self-care this Mother’s Day? Take a moment to rest and relax your physical body by soaking in a hot bath undisturbed or spritz on a new fresh and floral scent. Let this also be a reminder to tend to your physical body and give yourself a little self-love when your body feels depleted.

Pamper Your Wondering Mind

Let’s be real and honest here, the enemy has a special way of targeting a momma’s mind. The lies are sometimes loud, but they can also be subtle and sneaky. Please, please don’t listen. If you find yourself believing or entertaining thoughts that are not of God’s Word, let this be a solemn reminder of your precious worth to not only your family but to God (Isaiah 43:4, Ephesians 1:4, Psalm 139:14). He sees you as His precious daughter and has equipped you for this calling. 

Here are some ways to feed your mind truth this Mother’s Day:

1. Check out a good book. Of course, the Bible is our #1 resource, but there are so many great devotionals and faithful books designed for moms, too!

2. Start a gratitude or prayer journal.

3. Meet up with a momma friend over coffee and extend love, support, and encouragement. 

Pamper Your Heavy Heart

The emotional roller coaster ride of motherhood is no joke! Have you noticed that there are few smooth sailing moments? Yep. It’s usually all highs or all lows. Things are good, or they are really hard. It’s almost as if there is this continual pull on our hearts that either brings joy or sorrow, and sometimes it happens simultaneously. Oh, the nature of a mother’s heart is full of complexities.

So, maybe your heavy heart needs some tending to? Maybe this season of motherhood has you carrying some extra hard emotional weight right now that has resurfaced some deep wounds or created some new scars. 

If your heart is heavy, offer it a little love by stepping outside and placing your feet in the grass. May sound weird but there is actual evidence that the grass beneath your bare feet can reduce stress and promote a boost in your mood. In other words, God’s creation can give your heart a hug; all you need to do is be still and soften your heart so you can hear the whisper that you are seen, known, and fully loved (1 Corinthians 13:12). 

Pamper Your Weary Soul

As wonderful as it is to be a mother, sometimes we come to a place where we are utterly depleted with little left to give. Mother’s Day may be a sweet reminder that it is okay to tend to yourself and care for your needs, but it can also spark a desire to tend to your soul each and every day from this day forward. The truth of the matter is that you can’t give to your little people when you are running on fumes and lugging around a weary soul. It will lead to nowhere good; I assure you. Hello, bitterness, frustration, and anger. Ugh.

However, when we take time out of our day to open God’s Word and read His love letters to us, we fill our souls with truth and have the ability to carry out His commands for us with great care and grace. No, it won’t be perfect, nor does God expect us to be, but when we tend to our soul, and grow in our faith, making it a daily habit, we produce good fruit for our families, welcoming more joy, patience, kindness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22).

Maybe you need to reignite or reclaim your time with God by making Him the priority. It doesn’t have to come with some drastic change where you must get up at the crack of dawn to read your Bible, (though if you feel led to do that, go with it), but rather, start with a simple adjustment. That could mean just talking to Him throughout your day, letting Him be a part of it. It could mean going for a walk to soak in His presence through nature or playing worship music, letting it flood your home and heart. Basically, ask yourself where can you allow more margin in your day for the most crucial relationship in your life to be the mom you need to be.

Gracious God, thank you for loving us and reminding us of our value and worth as Your beloved daughters. Help us place our thoughts on You and our hearts in Your hands, seeking Your precious presence for our weary souls. Show us how we can care for ourselves in this season, so we can be the moms our families need. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/Anastasiia Stiahailo

Alicia Searl is a devotional author, blogger, and speaker that is passionate about pouring out her heart and pointing ladies of all ages back to Jesus. She has an education background and master’s in literacy.  Her favorite people call her Mom, which is why much of her time is spent cheering them on at a softball game or dance class. She is married to her heartthrob (a tall, spiky-haired blond) who can whip up a mean latte. She sips that goodness while writing her heart on a page while her puppy licks her feet. Visit her website at and connect with her on Instagram and Facebook.

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