How Can I Find Comfort from God after Losing My Job?

Aubrey Sampson

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If you’ve ever lost a job, you know what an unexpected grief it is. The income loss alone, along with the ego bruise, the colleague-relationship disruption, and the shocking disequilibrium of it all - well, it rends the soul a bit. You might move from sad and scared to wanting to smash plates and back again. But there are some unexpected gifts and promises you can cling to in the midst of this trial or another unexpected change:

If you are walking through an unexpected, disappointing transition of any kind, here are a few things you can do. 

  1. Acknowledge your feelings. Express the anger, sadness, grief (it is grief), and disappointment to God and to save people. Don’t rush to solve or fix it. Sit in the mess. You will move forward with greater resilience if you take some time with your pain. (I realize you can’t take a lot of time when you need to do a job search. But give yourself a bit of sacred space and care.)
  2. Retrain your brain. You are valuable, worthy, and capable. When any lies related to shame, not enoughness, or failure creep in, stop them in their tracks and replace them with truer thoughts, “I am learning as I go. I will not let this defeat me. I am worthy of a best yes.”
  3. Dream about your Next. What can you do now that you have to forge a new way forward? What God might be inviting you into? 
  4. Trust God. Reflect on Psalm 30, the Message version, where David says, “I give you the credit. You got me out of that mess, God.” Choose faith that God’s got this; God’s got you. You can trust him to provide and lead.

I say this all the time, and I mean it: every rejection is divine redirection.

May you learn to grieve and accept your new realities, as surprising or shocking as they are, while having faith that God has this (and you) in his steady hands.

Photo Credit: b_parker from Getty Images Signature via Canva Pro

Aubrey Sampson is a pastor, author, speaker, and cohost of the podcast, Nothing is Wasted. She is the author of Big Feeling Days, The Louder Song, Overcomer, and her newest release, Known. Find and follow her @aubsamp on Instagram. Go to for more. 

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