God's Wonderful Plans - iBelieve Truth - April 3, 2024

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“Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things, things planned long ago.” Isaiah 25:1 

The bucket of rocks I bought at a North Carolina gemstone mine didn’t look like anything special at first. But the more I shook and sifted the rocks through water over a container, the more I discovered treasures inside. Bits of rock and soil washed away, revealing shiny gemstones. Deep within the Appalachian mountain where the rocks had been mined, all sorts of precious gems had formed over many years: emeralds, sapphires, rubies, diamonds, garnets, and more. Now I was looking at those wonderful things sparkling in front of me. I thanked God for planning a system in his creation long ago that produces wondrous gemstones – and I also thanked him for the emerald and ruby I got to take home. 

The ancient Appalachian Mountains are among the oldest on our planet. They’re estimated to be about 480 million years old. Formed through geological processes like tectonic plate movement and erosion that God planned long ago, these mountains have witnessed the passage of time in a way that few other natural wonders have. Within the depths of these ancient mountains, gemstones develop over many years from immense pressure and heat deep within the Earth’s crust. Each gemstone carries within it a story of patience, pressure, and transformation – a story written in the Creator’s plans long ago. 

In Isaiah 25:1, the Bible encourages us to praise God for the wonderful things he planned long ago. It reminds us that God’s plans transcend the ages, unfolding with perfect faithfulness. This verse inspires us to marvel at the intricacies of creation, recognizing the fingerprints of God in every facet of the natural world. Just as the Appalachian Mountains stand as a testament to the wonders of creation, our lives bear witness to God's wonderful work. We are part of God’s grand design for creation – part of God's eternal purposes, along with mountains and gemstones. 

So let’s discover God’s wonder in our lives and celebrate it! Let’s exalt God and praise his name, for he has indeed done wonderful things – things planned long ago. 

Just as gemstones are formed over a long period of time, it takes time for us to discover God’s plans for our lives. But when we see those plans unfold, we see that those plans are indeed wonderful things for us. In the process of discovering God’s plans, we often encounter moments of uncertainty and doubt. We may question whether we’re on the right path, or if we’ve missed God’s guidance altogether. However, just as a gemstone undergoes pressure and refining to reveal its true brilliance, we experience challenges to refine us and ultimately lead us closer to God’s purposes for our lives. 

During seasons of waiting and wondering, it’s important to trust in God’s timing. Like a skilled jeweler crafting a masterpiece, God intricately weaves together every circumstance and experience to create something beautiful beyond our imagination. What may seem like setbacks or delays are often essential components of God’s greater plan, working together for our ultimate good. As we remain steadfast in faith and patient in hope, we begin to catch glimpses of God’s wonderful handiwork in our lives. We see his plans unfolding in unexpected ways, guiding us toward opportunities that are good for us and good for the world. When we look back on our lives, we can marvel at the intricate beauty of God’s design, recognizing how each twist and turn has led us closer to him. 

God’s plans for us are truly wonderful. Those plans are filled with purpose and abundant blessings. As we find and fulfill those plans, we discover the beautiful treasure of living our best lives and becoming the people God intends us to be! 

Dear God, I stand in awe of your wonderful works, displayed in your creation and in the intricate details of my life. Thank you for your enduring faithfulness throughout the ages. Help me to notice and appreciate the wonder of your work around me. Please guide me toward your wonderful plans for my life. Help me discover the treasure of those plans. Give me the strength to trust you and follow you day by day so those plans will become a reality. In Jesus' name, amen.

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Liudmila Chernetska

headshot of author Whitney HoplerWhitney Hopler is the author of the Wake Up to Wonder book and the Wake Up to Wonder blog, which help people thrive through experiencing awe. She leads the communications work at George Mason University’s Center for the Advancement of Well-Being. Whitney has served as a writer, editor, and website developer for leading media organizations, including Crosswalk.com, The Salvation Army USA’s national publications, and Dotdash.com (where she produced a popular channel on angels and miracles). She has also written the young adult novel Dream Factory. Connect with Whitney on X/Twitter and on Facebook

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Are you a Christian mom trying to juggle work and home? You're not alone! I'm Rebekah Scott, host of The Encourager Podcast, where I share insights gained from 15+ years of balancing family and running a business. My aim is to help you find harmony inall your important roles. Join me as we explore ways to create systems for success at home and work while keeping it real!

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Originally published Wednesday, 03 April 2024.