Elisha’s Practical Tips for Effective Evangelism

Chris Swanson

Contributing Writer
Updated May 23, 2024
Elisha’s Practical Tips for Effective Evangelism

This is the story of how Elisha restores a child to life, a story that is similar to the one found in 1 Kings 17:17-24. What does this story have to do with evangelism? The answer is simple. Someone needed to hear the Word from God, so God sent someone out.

2 Kings 4:8-37

Evangelism is more than just preaching the Gospel. It is sharing the teachings of Jesus Christ to others. The individual Christian’s life should be an example of Christ to the world.

This is the story of how Elisha restores a child to life, a story that is similar to the one found in 1 Kings 17:17-24. What does this story have to do with evangelism? The answer is simple. Someone needed to hear the Word from God, so God sent someone out. 

Offering to Meet a Need

Verses 8-11

A Shunamite woman realizes a man of God passes by continually. He was an evangelist, out spreading the Word of God. The woman sensed a need for the traveling prophet, so out of kindness, she prepared a room for him to use while he was there for his journey. I would think it was similar to a Bed and Breakfast, or like the new AirBnb. 

Many years ago, when evangelism was sweeping through our nation, there were many believers that had a spare room in their home, which they called the “prophet’s chamber.” I remember those days when a visiting preacher would stay in a church member’s home during a revival week, that way the visiting preacher did not have to pay for a hotel room nor meals.

“If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person?” (1 John 3:17).

How often do we offer assistance to those that pass by in our lives? What has happened to the old-time revivals with visiting ministers? Where are they now?

Blessing Turns to Tragedy

Verses 12-19

Sometime later, Elisha tells his servant to bring the Shunamite woman to him. It appears that the prophet wanted to repay her and her husband for their kindness. She was asked if there was anything that she needed, and Elisha’s servant told him that she was without a child. Elisha then tells her that she would have a son. This is remarkably similar to the case of Sarah and Abraham in Genesis.

“Is anything too hard for the LORD? I will return to you at the appointed time next year, and Sarah will have a son” (Genesis 18:14).

Time passed by and she gave birth. Later, when the child had grown some, he went out to help his father. But unfortunately, he was ill and died. Why? We do not know. What we do know is that an answered prayer had a tragic outcome. 

Have Faith

Verses 20-25

However, the woman had faith. She did not blame nor curse God. She lays her deceased child on the bed where the man of God had slept. We are unsure why this is, but we could presume that she began to have belief in the God that Elisha served. The passage does not say anything about her praying to God, just that she tells her husband that she is going to search for the man of God that had been there at their home. She had confidence that her son could be restored. 

The woman broke tradition. It was not the new moon of the sabbath. She got out of the normal rituals. How often do we get ourselves stuck in the same routine? Many in today’s churches will comment that “We have always done it this way.” Times may come when we need to change from our old habits or rituals. God does not change, but we may need to so that we can reach others.

Go to Where the Need Is Greatest

Verses 26-30

The man of God had compassion for others. He sent his servant to inquire about her and her family. He did not know about her current situation; he just remembered her and her family. Do we have true compassion for others in the world?

When she got to the man of God, Elisha, she fell at his feet. Elisha’s servant was about to move her, but Elisha stopped him. Elisha was unsure why the woman was there; he states that “the Lord had hid it from me.” The woman seems angry and asks him why he deceived her? Elisha tells his servant to go to the child and place his staff on the child’s head. 

The woman said she would not leave Elisha. So, the man of God went to where the issue was. There are times we need to get out and go. It is more important to go to the problem. Do not sit back and wait for others or for the problem to come to us. Too often we remain in our “comfort zone” and do not venture out to where the need is. Yes, our fellow believers will have needs and issues, but the true need is out there amongst the world, those that are lost, dying, and on their way to hell. That is where the true need is.

Some Christians want just to sit back inside their church building and say, “come on in here, we compel thee to come.” When they should be going out there and be giving the invitation.

“He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation’” (Mark 16:15).

From Death to Life

Verses 31-37

Elisha’s servant got there first and did as he was instructed. However, the child did not wake up. The condition was recognized, but the man of God was not defeated by failure. Elisha knew the objective, went into the inner chamber, and prayed to be imbued with power. Elisha cried to God in faith and belief. Maybe Elisha saw the similarities between this situation and the one Elijah was in.

“Then he stretched himself out on the boy three times and cried out to the LORD, ‘LORD my God, let this boy’s life return to him!’” (1 Kings 17:21).

Prayers do get answered, it might not be in the way we want, but it is in accordance with God’s will. 

Elisha's petition and technique for raising the dead child show God's own consideration for individuals who are hurting. As a result of Elisha’s prayer, the child returned to life. Elisha, in faith, had called unto God and the child was restored. We can only imagine the woman’s response.

“Then the woman said to Elijah, ‘Now I know that you are a man of God and that the word of the LORD from your mouth is the truth’” (1 Kings 17:24).

There is a need for us to be alive as well. There is life in Christ. Do not be a dead servant. Do not settle for anything except life.

We need to show true concern for others as we share the Gospel. Those who take the life of Christ to a dead world must do so with deep conviction and in fervent prayer. Those dead in sin come to life when they come in contact with Christ.

Photo credit: ©Getty Images/Prathan Chorruangsak

Chris SwansonChris Swanson answered the call into the ministry over 20 years ago. He has served as a Sunday School teacher, a youth director along with his wife, a music director, an associate pastor, and an interim pastor. He is a retired Navy Chief Hospital Corpsman with over 30 years of combined active and reserve service. You can check out his work here.