Are You Experiencing the Benefits of the Holy Spirit?

Karen Del Tatto

In the modern world, we are blessed with electricity. Whether connected through visible wires stretching from poles to our houses or whether the electric cables are hidden underground, our homes testify that we are linked to the power grid because we enjoy the benefits of electricity. Benefits for personal enjoyment and necessity are everywhere—television, radio, games, phone usage, provision for safe food storage and preparation, personal hygiene products, and in some instances, life or death machines like oxygen machines, nebulizers, or CPAP machines. In addition, more and more people own electric cars, which means their ability to go anywhere is dependent upon electricity.  

You wouldn’t have to convince anyone about the importance of electricity in the modern age. We depend upon electricity so much that on those rare occasions when we lose power due to a storm, for example, we instinctively go to turn the light switch on forgetting there is no power to the socket. If it's a lasting power outage, we worry about the food in the refrigerator going bad, or if it’s cold outside, trying to stay warm inside our homes. Being without electricity definitely becomes a nuisance and, in some instances, dangerous.

But what if we had the power source for electricity connected to our home, but decided to ignore it by flipping the switch to our fuse box off?  Now, unless you wanted to experience life on Little House on the Prairie, I can’t think of anyone who would have electricity and attempt to live without it.

Yet, I would say that many believers, myself included, can do the same thing with our spiritual power source, the Holy Spirit.  We have this incredible connection to God, yet we choose to ignore our great Helper and try to operate in our own strength.

Jesus tells us in John 14:16-17;25-27: “I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; that is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you and will be in you… 'These things I have spoken to you while abiding with you. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you. Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.'"

Let’s break down these words of Jesus and the benefits from the Holy Spirit that are ours when we remain connected to Him and choose to abide in the power of the Holy Spirit:

His Presence 

When we accept the Lord Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we receive the Holy Spirit. I’m sure you all can testify about how your life continues to change after your conversion because you are under the influence of the Holy Spirit’s conviction, direction, and the power of His love. Like the electric cables underground, you may not “see” the Holy Spirit, but your thoughts and actions show evidence of your connection to His presence within you.

Yet, if you are like me, you don’t fully experience the benefits of His presence within you because of long to-do lists, the stress of your days, the worries of life, or even selfish desires. You are so focused on those things and not on the fact that the living God literally resides inside of you! 

I was blessed with two children which means I experienced two pregnancies. I actually loved being pregnant. My favorite time of pregnancy was feeling the baby kick inside. I worked through a majority of both my pregnancies. I can remember if I was having a stressful day at work or trying to meet a deadline, just feeling one little kick or movement would settle my mind on my precious baby growing within and recenter my thoughts to the joy I was carrying.

Even though we don’t feel the Holy Spirit kicking inside of us, He certainly does nudge us. Just like a baby’s flutters might not be discernible if we are focused on other things when we allow ourselves to rest in the moment, we will feel those tiny kicks, and in the same way, we will sense the presence of the Holy Spirit.  

Allow yourself to rest in Him, if even for a moment, when your mind or body is racing. This way, you will experience the benefit of His presence and the joy that resides within.

His Help

Before becoming a believer, my neighbor encouraged me to read the Bible, but I didn’t understand, it and it didn’t even make sense. However, once I dedicated my life to Christ, the words on the pages came alive and were life-giving! The power of the Holy Spirit was teaching me by opening up the eyes of my heart to see and understand.

When we are operating in our own strength and wisdom, we will not receive the benefit of the Holy Spirit’s help. Too often, we go about our days, ignoring what is right inside of us—all the help, wisdom, and discernment that comes from being “plugged in” to the Holy Spirit.

What if, instead, we asked for the Holy Spirit’s wisdom in all situations? What if we started out our day by asking the Holy Spirit to show us what He would have us accomplish today? What if when faced with a difficult conversation, we asked the Holy Spirit to give us wisdom on what to speak or how to respond? Luke 12:12 says, “For the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say.” What if when faced with a challenge at work, we asked the Holy Spirit for direction? Isaiah 30:21 says, "Your ears will hear a word behind you, 'This is the way, walk in it,' whenever you turn to the right or to the left.'” 

What might those benefits look like? A day that goes smoothly and according to His will. A conversation that is received well and is fruitful. A work situation that turns from a challenge to an accomplishment.  I’m sure if you came up with other scenarios, you would be able to see the direct benefit that would play out if you tap into the Holy Spirit.

When I sit down to write, a lot of times I have a general idea of what I’m going to write about, but I don’t have an introduction in mind. Did you know that the introduction is sometimes the hardest part of a paper? Before my fingers hit the keyboard, I pray that the Holy Spirit would give me the wisdom to write what He would have me share, and I can tell you every time I start typing, I’m amazed at what appears on the screen. The idea just comes to me! It’s not a preconceived idea. All Glory to God!

I confess that I’m not good about reaping the benefits of the Holy Spirit’s help in all situations I face, but I am getting there! He always comes through! And He will do the same for you!

His Peace

I would say if you were to ask people what they want most in life, it would be happiness, good health, and peace of mind.  They wouldn’t be wishing this if they had already achieved it. Life is hard. Jesus tells us in John 16:33, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” We are in Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit residing in us.

I’m sure you would all agree that when we are unhappy, in poor health, or not at peace because of trials and tribulations, it can be hard to grab hold of the peace that Jesus promises, but that doesn’t make the reality of that peace any less real.

Let’s go back to the electricity analogy, specifically, the underground wires that we cannot see. The lights that come on in our house demonstrate that they exist and are, indeed, connected to the power supply. The Light that we have testifying to the Power within us is the Word of God. The Lord tells us that we are indwelt by the Holy Spirit when we dedicate our lives to Christ and, as such, that peace resides in us whether we can “see it” or not.

I have white coat syndrome. Whenever I go to the doctor, my body reacts as if I were going skydiving! My pulse starts racing and I can feel that my blood pressure is elevated. This creates “performance” anxiety when I know my blood pressure is going to be taken, and inevitably, it will be high. But over the last couple of years, when I go to the doctor, waiting for my blood pressure to be taken, I remind myself that even though my body may feel like an electric current, the Holy Spirit is a peaceful presence in my body. I imagine the peace I feel on a summer’s day, listening to the birds and sitting by a lake as the sun dances across the ripples of the water. 

I then sing to myself the words from the great hymn, It Is Well with My Soul written by Horatio Spafford, repeating this stanza: "When peace like a river attended my way When sorrows like sea billows roll Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say It is well, it is well, with my soul." Although my body may still feel anxious, my soul feels at peace, and low and behold, my blood pressure ends up being normal!

The next time your body feels anxious, remember the peace that resides inside of you by the power of the Holy Spirit. When you rest in His peace, no matter how your body might be feeling, you will reap the benefit of a mind, soul, and heart that feels at peace.

I trust if you consciously seek out His presence, help, and peace, you will experience the benefits of the Holy Spirit throughout your days.

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/ipopba

is a blogger, author, women's ministry leader, pastor's wife, mom, and grandmother who is passionate about the Word of God. Her blog Growing Together in Grace and Knowledge and her books Choosing to Trust God: Breaking the Habit of Worry, A 30-Day Devotional and Choosing to Trust God Companion Journal reveal her heart for providing Biblical insights to encourage women to grow in and through their struggles while equipping them to overcome. Karen and her husband live in Rhode Island and enjoy walks in the woods, owling, and spending time with their grandchildren.

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