A Prayer to Trust God for Your Family's Safety - Your Daily Prayer - June 12

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A Prayer to Trust God with Your Family’s Safety
By Jessica Van Roekel

"Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” Psalm 91:1-2, NIV

When my children were small, we loved making forts out of blankets draped over chairs. They would gather their pillows and books to make a cozy nest inside and it became the best kind of place to be when they needed some time to relax. Their time with their forts reminded me of my own at my grandparents, where I played, hid, or rested. Our verse today tells us about a shelter. This kind of shelter is for people of all ages who know God as their God. It offers security for those who commit themselves to God’s plans and protection, and who live with a constant awareness of God’s presence. It can be tempting to relegate our time with God as a task on our to-do list. But God is with us through all parts of our lives if we can remember to remember him.

The world we live in can seem threatening. Drivers text while driving. Motorists fail to have insurance. Bullies can be found in schools, jobs, homes, or churches.  Health scares come out of nowhere. The gospel gets diluted with the flavors of humanism or religious requirements. It can compel us to keep our families close, to micromanage their comings and goings, or to remain in constant contact, which leads to worry and anxiety. Peace can seem elusive, but it can grow the more time we spend communicating with Christ, learning from his word, and serving his purposes. We can learn to experience this peace during times of worry and anxiousness about our family’s safety by living in the shadow of God’s protection, comfort, and care.

He longs to hide us in the shadow of who he is and to gather us to him if we are willing. We can get to know God better by understanding his four names in these verses from Psalm 91. The Most High God means he is greater than any threat we face. He is bigger than any fear we have about our family. Genesis 14:19 tells us he created the heavens and earth. When worry grips our hearts, we can look up and notice the land and sky around us, and we can see God’s greatness.

The second name referenced is “Almighty.” This name emphasizes God’s power. This is the name Abraham, Moses, and Isaac knew him by. Moses witnessed God's power when he led the Israelites to freedom. Abraham saw God keep his promise to a couple who were past child-bearing age. And Isaac beheld the power of God to provide a sacrifice. “Lord” assures us that he is the leader and authority in those who choose to follow him. His presence and guidance are always with us. This is why we can say with confidence that he is our refuge and fortress. Knowing God as Lord is like coming in from a storm. The storm still rages outside, but we are safe inside. Worry can be like a storm swirling around us, but we can find relief when we choose to make the Lord our refuge.

The last name mentioned in these verses is “God.” This name expresses the truth that God has chosen to have a deep, personal relationship with those who trust in him. It is through our intimate knowledge of God that we receive the benefits of protection, comfort, and care. We cannot always protect our family, but we can trust the One who is the creator of heaven and earth, the Almighty One who is more powerful than our greatest worry, the Lord who is always with us to guide us, and our God who loves us intimately and who is worthy of our dependence.

Let’s pray:

Holy God,
Thank you for being with me when the worry and anxiety is great. Psalm 94:19 says, “when anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.” Help me lean into this truth. There is so much to worry about regarding my family. Will they be safe on the road? Will they be targeted by online predators? Will they live for you or choose to turn away? The worries can debilitate me, and I feel crushed by the weight of them.

But you are the Most High God, creator of this world, creator of my family and me. You are Almighty God, able to overcome my greatest fears. You are my Lord—ever present in my life to lead and guide. And you are my God, involved in every detail of my life, caring about the things that concern me. I choose to trust you. I trust you with my family’s safety. You are mighty to save and catch me when I fall. You are great and worthy of praise in the good times and the bad times. You are my rock and refuge. Help me to trust you with my family’s safety. You love my family more than I can imagine and you have good plans for their lives too. Keep my family close to your heart and guide their steps as you guide mine.
In Jesus’ name, Amen

Photo credit: Unsplash/Kevin Delvecchio

Jessica Van Roekel author headshotJessica Van Roekel loves the upside-down life of following Jesus as she journeys to wholeness through brokenness. As an author, speaker, and worship leader, she uses her gifts and experiences to share God’s transformative power to rescue, restore, and renew. She longs for you to know that rejection doesn’t have to define or determine your future when placed in God’s healing hands. Find out more reframingrejectionbook.com You can connect with her on Instagram and Facebook.

Teach Us to Pray is a FREE prayer podcast hosted by iBelieve writer Christina Patterson. Each week, she gives you practical, real-life tips on how to grow your faith and relationship with God through the power of prayer. To listen to her episode on What to Pray in the Morning for a Worry-Free Day, click below!

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Originally published Wednesday, 12 June 2024.