A Prayer for Zeal When Motivation Is Lacking - Your Daily Prayer - May 26

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A Prayer for Zeal When Motivation Is Lacking 
By Megan Evans

“Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord.” - Romans 12:11 ESV

Has your daily walk with God ever felt sluggish? It’s frustrating to love the Lord yet lack the passion you desire in worship, devotion, and serving. Rest assured, you are not alone if you’ve ever found yourself stuck there. Even the most seasoned believers find their daily devotion occasionally in a slump. While it’s hard to snap out of dimness on our own, thankfully, God’s Word gives us hope and help today.

Recently, I found myself sitting with my open Bible, unfocused and unmotivated to read and pray. My spirit craved a blaze, but the wick of my heart refused to light. “What’s wrong with me?” I thought to myself. “How did I get here?” Perhaps I was tired, distracted, or rushed. Maybe I was simply in need of freshness or more variety in my time alone with God. Whatever the cause, I knew that by staying steadfast to Jesus, He would answer my prayer for renewed motivation and even the fuel to obey and enjoy Him. Be encouraged that He will do the same for you!

In Romans 12:11, Paul tells us to continue living out our daily faith when we lack enthusiasm. This verse isn’t scolding us; instead, it encourages us to keep cultivating God’s love, even if words like “zeal” and “fervent” feel distant and impossible. Motivation matters, and Paul speaks about the long-term dedication to our Christian faith. He knew first-hand what it is like to fight the good fight, finish the race, and keep the faith (2 Timothy 4:7).

With expectancy, we can keep following the road Christ has marked for us till the end, and thankfully, we never have to wait for our feelings to match our faith! God never leaves us, never gives up on us, and keeps growing and renewing us as we look to Him (Isaiah 41:10). We don’t have to give up or quit while we wait to get out of our slump—quite the opposite! Regardless of feelings, God wants us to meet with Him and demonstrate His love to others.

We demonstrate zeal when we keep showing up. We may not always experience feelings of exhilaration when we sit to read or pray. Still, we can obediently spend time with God in His Word and confidently remain devoted to Him, knowing our faith stays anchored in Christ. Matthew 7:9-11 reminds us that our Heavenly Father is faithful in giving good gifts to His children when we pray and ask, so there is no shame in asking God for passion. Additionally, Hebrews 11:6 reminds us that God “rewards those who seek him.” 

We demonstrate service to the Lord when we glorify Him and seek to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Weariness might invade our hearts occasionally, but remembering who and why we love helps us stay focused and energized to serve Him. Serving God begins with loving and worshiping Him. When we love God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength, this love will naturally spill onto those around us. Paul also explains in Romans 12 that God wants us to love one another with sincerity and devotion and to honor others above ourselves (verse 10). So, it’s not about having our name on every volunteer list but rather saying yes to the Lord when and where He leads.

We demonstrate fervency in spirit when we refuse to settle for lukewarm faith. God is faithful and will lead us out of dry patches when we seek Him. So, cry out to the Lord today! Ask the Holy Spirit to stoke the fire in your heart. When we feel tired and complacent, Jesus will strengthen and sustain us. He will comfort, convict, and compel us to live God’s best for our lives. As it says in Romans 15:13, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.”

Let’s pray:

Dear Lord, deliver me from my spiritual slump. My feelings don’t seem to match my faith today. I love you, and it saddens me when I experience complacency and a lack of zeal in my worship and devotion. Remind me when I feel this sluggishness that you are still near. Thank you for always hearing my prayers. Thank you for constantly receiving my worship and service, even when it feels small. Today, Father, I ask you to increase my zeal, fervency, and desire to serve you. I will trust you alone with this holy work in my heart. Remind me often not to quit spending time with you or living out my daily faith. God of hope, fill me and keep growing and renewing me as I seek you daily. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Photo credit: ©Getty Images/fizkes

Megan EvansMegan Evans is a military wife, and a mother to three wonderful teenagers. She and her family live in Tennessee where she serves as the women’s ministry director at her church. An author and blogger with a heart for discipleship; she writes, speaks, and teaches women about enjoying God in each busy day. Check out her new book, “Permission to Walk: A 40-Day Journey to Unhurried Peace” and learn the daily pace of life that Jesus taught as we daily navigate this distracted and fast-paced world. You can connect with Megan at www.unhurrymyheart.com, www.instagram.com/megan.m_evans , and www.facebook.com/unhurrymyheart.

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Originally published Sunday, 26 May 2024.