8 Questions That Will Help You Discover God's Purpose for Your Life

Aubrey Sampson

Pastor, Author, Podcast Cohost
Updated Mar 19, 2024
8 Questions That Will Help You Discover God's Purpose for Your Life
Brought to you by Christianity.com

God masterfully utilizes all the ways he has made us so that we can minister, help, and pour into others. God has not created you accidentally. You were creatively, imaginatively, and purposefully portioned - designed and destined by God to reflect his goodness to the world around you. And you are invited by God to excavate your calling from your life’s narrative, your gift mix, and your passions.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself and your community- your church family, friends, and inner circle—to help you unearth your purpose:

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a teacher in front of a classroom, Our Lives Are Best Lived for Others

1. What Am I Good at?

God will not call you to be a professional athlete if, like me, you can’t manage to hold a ball and walk simultaneously. We all must get out of our areas of comfort at times, but God will use your strengths as a part of your calling. Ask your community for insight if you struggle to recognize those strengths and gifts.

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Delivery worker woman on the job

2. What Am I Passionate about?

If “passion” is too much pressure, what sparks your curiosity? What interests you? What keeps you up at night – because you love thinking about it? What would you love to pour more energy into if time and money were no obstacle? God has given you your passions on purpose – for a purpose.

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3. What Does My City, Neighborhood, Local School, Community, or Area Need?

3. What Does My City, Neighborhood, Local School, Community, or Area Need?

What wrongs can you help work to make right? What injustices or disadvantages anger you that you want to fix? Perhaps that’s on your mind and heart because you and your community can devise dignified solutions.

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Workers and businessmen shaking hands

4. What Doors Are Opening?

What does God seem to be a blessing in your life? Don’t waste your life banging on closed doors. Ask God to show you what paths and purposes he has for you. And don’t worry about the doors God is opening for others. He has them on their own journey, just as he has you on yours.

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parent Father and son fishing together at creek in the fall

5. What Season of Life Am I In?

A college student, stay-at-home mom, marketplace employer, and retiree are in entirely different stages and life seasons. That’s not a mistake. God uses each season to shape and prepare us for the next phase of our callings. Don’t despise any life season, but ask God what he is inviting you into in this current life phase.

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A person holding a phone

6. What Is My Personality Type?

God uses how he has made you to help you understand what you have been put on earth to do. Self-assessment tools (Enneagram, Myers Briggs, APEST, Strength Finders, etc.) are a valuable way to help you get to know yourself and your calling.

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Group of happy people, the power of community

7. What Does My Community Sense God Calling Us to Do?

We mistakenly believe calling or purpose is always an individual pursuit, when sometimes God calls your group, your squad, or your people to minister together. Do some discernment work with your community to see where God might send you.

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a man looking out over the ocean, Survey identifies the top 10 most seductive and unbiblical views that Americans largely adopt

8. What Does a Timeline of My Life Reveal?

Draw a timeline of your life, with significant life experiences in chronological order. Step back to notice any themes, patterns, or processes God has used in your life. What has defined your trajectory? Ask God what your life story might mean for what God is calling you to do.

The prophet Jeremiah called God’s people to pray for and work toward the peace and prosperity of the city, to “build homes,” and plan to stay. Plant gardens and eat the food they produce. Marry and have children, etc. Wherever God has placed you, you are invited to participate with God in making your world a place for others to be empowered and flourish. This is your calling and purpose.

How does that happen? By answering some of the questions above, you will begin to discover God's perfect plans and purposes for you. 

For more on this topic, check out Aubrey’s book Known: How Believing Who God Says You Are Changes Everything 

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This article originally appeared on Christianity.com. For more faith-building resources, visit Christianity.com. Christianity.com

Aubrey SampsonAubrey Sampson is a pastor, author, speaker, and cohost of the podcast, Nothing is Wasted. She is the author of Big Feeling Days, The Louder Song, Overcomer, and her newest release, Known. Find and follow her @aubsamp on Instagram. Go to aubreysampson.com for more. 

Originally published Monday, 18 March 2024.