5 Ways Christians Use Faith to Calm Anxiety

Michelle Treacy

Contributing Writer
Published May 13, 2024
5 Ways Christians Use Faith to Calm Anxiety
Brought to you by Christianity.com

Christianity is a daily walk with Jesus, which helps us navigate life both when it is good, and when we are struggling with ailments like anxiety. We can rely on our faith to help calm anxiety, a feeling of unease, worry, or fear, and that can range from mild to very severe and debilitating. All of us have felt the overwhelming weight of anxiety, like a punch in the pit of our stomachs and the palpitating heart flutters of anxiety trying to take root. Maybe not all the time, maybe only for a season, or a circumstance. A necessary human emotion, it serves as an important alarm system, keeping us safe like a warning system in our car. Sometimes, that warning light remains, leaving us anxious when danger has passed. Our bodies tell us they need attention or healing, and unless we deal with those things, it just grows. 

For some, anxiety, whether a diagnosed mental illness or common anxiety that has spun out of control, learn to live with it as their constant daily companion. It can become a compass by which we decide the path we will walk daily. Whether we go to the store, work, school, see family, or sometimes even we will get out of bed.  

Friend, please know you are not alone. I have struggled with anxiety at different times, especially when I was facing Post Natal Depression. Anxiety made decisions for me too, sometimes for seasons so long, I thought they would never end. I also have a daughter who knows all too well separation anxiety is not just something adults face. I hope you hear my heart to come alongside you in this, not to shame or condemn. Let's look at four specific ways Christians use faith to calm anxiety.

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What Does the Bible Say About Calming Anxiety?

Let’s delve into what the bible says about anxiety and how to calm the storms we face when they arise. The Bible says in 2 Timothy 1:7,

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” 

This fear we feel from anxiety is not of God. When He created us, He did so with safety mechanisms in mind. When we get too close to a hot thing, or the edge of a cliff, both rational fears. Living in fear is not how God wants you to live all of the time. God‘s intention for us is to live in freedom, abundantly, and in glorious joy, not weighed down by anxiety and bound by fear. But in this sin-sick world we live in, fear runs rampant.  

Man reading the Bible for wisdom.

1. Prayerfully Proclaiming Scripture Over Your Life Can Produce Instant Calm

 “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.” - Isaiah 41:10

“This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” - Joshua 1:9 

These are solid biblical truths to cling to when anxiety threatens to wear out its welcome. Prayerfully proclaiming these truths over our lives can cause immediate calm and peace to return to our hearts. Other times, when the battle we wage will last much longer, we can still pray these promises of God over our lives, knowing even though healing may not come quickly, it will come, either here on earth or in heaven. Proverbs 3:5-6 says,

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” 

Anxiety can cause us to shrink down, stealing away our personalities and unique character, distorting our memories and the way our minds process thoughts. It can seem as if our future is blurry and causes us to fear our tomorrow. But here, this verse reminds us that our understanding in this sin-ridden world is flawed, and we must rely on the truth of God. 

Photo Credit: ©Pexels/Oladimeji Ajegbile

2. Remembering Who God Is Can Calm the Storms of Anxiety

Remembering who God is can be calming. He is the God of the universe, the Creator, and all-knowing. He is our Father, who defends, provides for, and loves us. These calming truths can soothe anxious thoughts and feelings. 

Sometimes, when I am anxious and having trouble focusing on Scripture, I pick up A W Tozer's The Attributes of God because it reminds me who He is. How we view God really does impact everything in our lives. 

We can remind ourselves who God is and who we are in response. Because He loves us, we are not less, but more in Him. Anxiety will not always be our story. God will take the broken pieces of our bodies, minds, and lives and create better than we can imagine. Remembering these truths keeps us grounded in the hard battles anxiety brings, especially if we are suffering from mental illness. God sees our struggles and walks with us every step of the way, even when the journey to healing is long. 

3. Stillness in the Presence of God Calms Our Anxious Hearts

“Cast your burden on the Lord, And He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.” - Psalm 55:22 

It is not easy to sit with God when anxious, especially if it feels like our hands need to be busy and our minds need to be occupied. There are times when I personally can only sit down with God, a cup of tea in hand, and say out loud to Him I’m lost again. Though we feel weak, it is the most holy thing to come to God and express our complete reliance on Him for help. I know, in those moments, I can tell God that my heart feels broken again, my soul feels dry, and my life feels messy. He is our all-knowing healer, and unless I let Him in to help me fix it, it will never be fixed. 

4. Meditate on Psalm 61:2

“When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I.”- Psalm 61:2

A friend of mine purchased this verse on artwork for me when I was going through a hard time; unbeknown to her, it was one I meditate on regularly. I even pray it at times, saying to God, “As my anchor, as my sustainer, as my savior, lead me back when I am lost”. It is so easy in seasons of anxiety to get caught up and forget the truth of scripture that we are led by the Holy Spirit, we are created and formed for good and Holy things, and anxiety does not get to steal all of that from us. 

couple praying together

5. Pray for and with the People in Your Life to Calm Anxiety

“Never stop praying.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:17

Prayer is powerful. Offering to put someone on our prayer lists is one thing, but pausing right in a hard moment to pray with them is even more powerful. Trust that the Lord will put the right words in your heart, and follow His lead to pray when opportunities arise. I tell my daughter, when you are worried, talk to God. I have found it does help. Maybe not instantly, but God is always working with me, and encouraging me to partner with Him. In the same way, reach out to the people in your life when struggling with anxiety. Whether it’s a moment, season, or crippling diagnosis of mental illness, God places people in our lives purposefully in order to provide comfort and healing. 

Friend, know you are not alone. There are so many of us who battle this in different ways. Know you are loved by God, and I hope that brings you comfort. 

If you do not know Jesus, can I encourage you to be open to a relationship with Him? Why struggle alone when you can live life with the greatest friend? As you see from this article, Christianity is not going to magically make your life better, but knowing Jesus will help you navigate life’s storms whatever they are. Jesus loves you even if you do not know Him yet. Reach out to a Christian to find out more about Jesus; get in touch with us; we would love to tell you about this sacrificial love of God.

Photo Credit: GettyImages/jjneff

This article originally appeared on Christianity.com. For more faith-building resources, visit Christianity.com. Christianity.com

SWN authorMichelle Treacy is a Christian writer, a wife to Gerald, and a busy mother of three, Emily, Ava Rose, and Matthew. Finding time to write is not always easy. However, Michelle’s desire to write about Jesus, and passion to teach is what motivates her. Michelle writes on Instagram, Michelle_Treacy_, and WordPress at Thoughts From My Bible. If you meet her in person, you will likely find her with two things in hand, a good Christian book and a cup of tea!

Originally published Sunday, 02 June 2024.